May 2019
Watched the Titus Andronicus live stream and prestige sitcom today. Like those guys a lot.
- Thu, May 30, 2019 at 12:40:03 AM
I don’t have time to watch TV—and that stinks an ever so slight bit.
- Thu, May 30, 2019 at 12:08:12 AM
Low end estimates are that Emily Dickinson spent a third of her life sleeping, a half writing letters, and a half writing poems.
- Mon, May 27, 2019 at 09:19:47 AM
My old copy of the debut Vampire Weekend album (that fell off the back of a truck) had the wrong track order and included an extra song. Now I've got the correct album. My wrong version was better.
- Fri, May 24, 2019 at 07:37:47 PM
Another downside to listening to your music exclusively on a streaming service: loss of privacy - you tell a big company everything about how, when, and where you listen to your music - also, obviously, What you listen to - and how often and how many times.
- Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:48:03 AM